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User guide🔗

This user guide can be used as a starting point for getting a deeper understanding of the inner workings of the multimeter library. It is meant for users who want to learn about individual details or who plan to extend its features by developing own probes or storages.

Install the library🔗

The library can be installed in two different ways:

Use stable release from PyPI🔗

All stable versions of multimeter are available on PyPI and can be downloaded and installed from there. The easiest option to get it installed into your python environment is by using pip:

pip install multimeter

Use from source🔗

Multimeter's Git repository is available for everyone and can easily be cloned into a new repository on your local machine:

$ cd /your/local/directory
$ git clone
$ cd multimeter

If you want to make changes to library, please follow the guidance in the on how to setup the necessary tools for testing your changes.

If you just want to use the library, it is sufficient to add the path to your local multimeter repository to your $PYTHONPATH variable, e.g.:

$ export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/your/local/directory/multimeter"

How multimeter works🔗

First we start with some high-level description of the individual parts of the library.


Multimeter is the central class which is used by the user to start a measurement. A Multimeter takes the configuration, that defines what and how it is measured. This configuration is usually given directly as constructor arguments, when instantiating the object:

import multimeter


mm = multimeter.Multimeter(
Additionally, it can be (re-)configured later:

import multimeter


mm = multimeter.Multimeter()




For actually capturing the values, Multimeter uses an arbitrary number of Probe objects, which are either provided as positional arguments in the Multimeter constructor or are added after construction using add_probes.

Each probe object can define describe values it captures. This is done using 3 different properties:


metrics contains a tuple of Metric objects, that describe different types of values that are captured, e.g. the CPU rate spend executing user code or the memory consumption. A metric can have additional attributes like the python type of the values, a minimum or maximum value or the unit as string that the value is in. These values are not checked or enforced in any way, but they can be useful for the interpretation of the results by the user or other tools.


subjects contains a tuple of Subject objects that describe where a metric can be captured, e.g. 'process' when capturing the memory usage of a process or a file system where the free disk space is captured. The supported subjects are Probe dependent, too.


The measures attribute contains instances of type Measure, which references a single metric and a single subject. The key of a Measure matches the key under which the corresponding values are stored.

start() and end()🔗

Probes can implement two methods start() and end(), which are called when a new measurement is started or finished. This allows the probe to set up and tear down some mechanism for collecting the values. Both methods are optional to use and the default implementations in the Probe base class don't do anything.

Capturing values🔗

For actually capturing the values, Probe subclasses need to implement a method sample(values, time_span). This method is given a dictionary values where the captured values should be added under the key of their corresponding Measure, and a value time_span which contains the number of seconds as float since the previous sample or since start() in case of the first call to sample(). The probes are expected to always set a value for each if its measures.

Out of the box Multimeter contains the following Probe objects:


A new Measurement is created by calling the measure() method on a Multimeter object.

measurement = mm.measure()

measure() takes optional keyword arguments, that allows to identify individual measurements later on. If identifier is provided, its value is used as a (unique) identifier for this measurement:

measurement = mm.measure(identfieer='my-measurement')

Additionally, arbitrary keyword arguments with string values can be given. Those are treated as tags that can help to either differentiate between multiple measurements or contain additional user-defined data:

measurement = mm.measure(


The measurement starts as soon as one calls start(). This starts a new thread which runs in the background and gathers the measurement values at regular intervals of length cycle_time. This is done until the measurement is ended by calling end().


The Result. can be retrieved by explicitly getting it from the measurement,

result = measurement.result
but it's returned from start(), too.
result = measurement.start()

To make it more convenient the whole start(), end() sequence is simplified, when using the Measurement as a context manager:

with multimeter.measure() as measurement:

Adding marks🔗

To make it easier to relate the code that is being measured with the measured values, a measurement allows adding marks programmatically using the method add_mark(label). By calling this method the current time is saved together with the provided label. This allows to identify different code sections in a single measurement.

with multimeter.measure() as measurement:
    measurement.add_mark("Next operation")
    measurement.add_mark("final step")


A Result gives access to the measured values together with a description of the metrics and the subjects that were captured.


For each timestamp where values are gathered, point contain an individual object of type Point. Each point contains only two attributes:

  1. datetime: A python datetime.datetime value with timezone UTC that contains the timestamp when the values of the point were measured.
  2. values: A dict() which contains the values for all measures at this time. The types of the individual values depend on the value_type of the corresponding measure's metric.


metrics contains the union of all Metric objects defined by all probes that set the values in this result.


subjects contain the union of all Subject objects defined by all probes that set the values in this result.


The measures attribute contains the union of allMeasure, objects defined by all probes that set the values in this result. The key of a Measure matches the key under which the corresponding values are stored.


All properties in the result are read-only. The only changes to the result by the user can be made by adding meta data using Result.add_meta_data(**meta_data). The meta data values can be strings or other primitives. It is meant for storing additional information about the run, that can be useful for interpreting the result, e.g. instance type, operating system version, user account who executes the code etc.


Once a measurement is finished, its result can be automatically stored by a Storage. Storage classes need to implement only a single method: store(result) This method takes as only argument the Result of the measurement.

Multimeter provides the following different Storage implementations:

Extending multimeter🔗

Multimeter can easily be extended on two sides, gathering values and storing values.

Implementing custom probe🔗

A new probe should inherit from the Probe base class. The only method that needs to be implemented is sample(values, time_span.

In order to make it easier to understand, what different measures, subjects and metrics the new probe uses, the corresponding methods measures, subjects and metrics should be implemented and match, the values, that sample(values, time_span) defines. If applicable, some predefined metrics METRIC_* in multimeter.metrics and subjects SUBJECT_* in multimeter.subjects can be used.

start() and end() can be implemented if useful for initialization or cleaning up.

Implementing custom storage🔗

Implementing a custom storage class is quite easy. Inherit from the base class multimeter.storages.base.Storage and implement the method store(result).

Last update: 2021-11-30