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Keep logs of task executions🔗

The python module bandsaw.advices.log contains the LoggingAdvice class, which allows to keep the log output of task executions as attachment in a session.

The advice adds an own Handler to the logging.root logger and stores log messages emitted during task execution in its own log file. The handler can use its own formatter and supports using a different logging level. The log messages are written into an attachment in the session with the name session.log.


level (int)🔗

The level of the log messages, that should be kept. If not set or set to None, which messages are kept depends only on the configured level of the used loggers.

formatter (logging.Formatter)🔗

The formatter to use for writing our the individual log messages. This defaults to an own bandsaw.advices.log.JsonFormatter that writes log messages as individual json objects (one per line), but custom formatter can be used as well.

Example configuration🔗

import logging

import bandsaw.advices.log

configuration = bandsaw.Configuration().add_advice_chain(


The JsonFormatter writes log messages as line-wise json that makes its easier to process the logs later-on without having to parse user-defined text formats.

Description of the individual fields🔗

Field Type Optional Description
timestamp string no Times are ISO-Format and always in UTC.
logger string no The name of the logger that created the message.
level string no The level of the message (usually INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR, but can be custom).
message string no The text content of the log message.
threadId int no The ID of the thread where the message was emitted.
threadName string no The name of the thread where the message was emitted.
processId int no The process ID of the process which emitted the message.
processName string no The name of the process which emitted the message.
module string no The name of the module based on the filename.
function string no Name of the function which emitted the log message.
path string no Path to the python file where the message originated.
line_no int no Number of the line where the log message was created.
traceback string yes Stacktrace of the exception. (missing if no exception is logged)
exception string yes String representation of the exception. (missing if no exception is logged)
sessionId string yes (bandsaw specific) ID of the session in which the log message was created.
runId string yes (bandsaw specific) ID of the run in which the log message was created.
taskId string yes (bandsaw specific) ID of the task which was executed.
executionId string yes (bandsaw specific) ID of the execution of the task.

Example of normal log message🔗

  "timestamp": "2021-12-22T14:13:30.840811+00:00",
  "logger": "bandsaw.advices.metrics",
  "level": "INFO",
  "message": "Measurement id ea1a9e07d0c48896 with tags {'run_id': '55e85c2e-6331-11ec-8e2d-48f17f64520d', 'task_id': 'd24d5c98e4f63e66', 'execution_id': 'dd999d9ace267e13', 'session_id': 'ea1a9e07d0c48896'}",
  "threadId": 140239061456704,
  "threadName": "MainThread",
  "processId": 16365,
  "processName": "MainProcess",
  "module": "metrics",
  "function": "before",
  "path": "/home/bandsaw/dd999d9ace267e13/distribution-zy0tybls.pyz/bandsaw/advices/",
  "line_no": 50,
  "sessionId": "ea1a9e07d0c48896",
  "runId": "55e85c2e-6331-11ec-8e2d-48f17f64520d",
  "taskId": "d24d5c98e4f63e66",
  "executionId": "dd999d9ace267e13"

Example of log message with exception🔗

  "timestamp": "2021-12-22T14:18:31.821401+00:00",
  "logger": "my.logger",
  "level": "ERROR",
  "message": "Error greeting",
  "threadId": 140626754463552,
  "threadName": "MainThread",
  "processId": 16632,
  "processName": "MainProcess",
  "module": "demo",
  "function": "greet",
  "path": "/home/bandsaw/76560cb43662cc8f/distribution-f_say9mc.pyz/",
  "line_no": 20,
  "traceback": "File \"/home/bandsaw/76560cb43662cc8f/distribution-f_say9mc.pyz/\", line 18, in greet\n    raise ValueError(os.getpid())",
  "exception": "ValueError: 16632",
  "sessionId": "2573b136fd2b4f8e",
  "runId": "0939cef2-6332-11ec-8e2d-48f17f64520d",
  "taskId": "0d268ac06a82654e",
  "executionId": "76560cb43662cc8f"

Last update: 2021-12-22