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Glossa client🔗

Glossa is a service that allows website owners to integrate user comments and discussion threads that can be attached to individual parts of a particular page. The glossa-client package contains the integration code, that needs to be included into the HTML code of the pages in order to allow users to create and show the comments.

The package is written in TypeScript, contains a set of HTML templates and SCSS style definitions and is compiled into a single JavaScript module that can easily be integrated into existing HTML pages. For style it uses the excellent picocss CSS library with some minor changes/additions, that can be found in the package's style directory. vite is used as a build took and internally the library depends on petite-vue, marked and dompurify.

The client is developmed by Kantai GmbH and licensed under MIT License.

Interested in integration of glossa into your web page?🔗

Take a look at our Getting started documentation.

You have other questions?🔗

Feel free to reach out to us. We provide a form for requesting support at or via email to Additional support channels can be found on our documentation hub on

Last update: 2022-03-13